Monday, February 15, 2010

It's all about love love love love love, and cakes!

Wow, I don't think Valentine's day has ever been such a hit at our house before! Gabrielle was really into it this year and wanted to go all out. She started counting down the days a week before, was always on the lookout for gifts for Jesse, talking about how to paint our nails, and was close to tears when she thought we weren't going to decorate the house! I guess it makes sense she would love this day, she has such a sweet heart for others! So it was our big project to cut and glue construction paper hearts to hang because we HAD to decorate! The girls did most of it on their own and it turned out great! (I had fun, too. Maybe we'll have to decorate like this for every holiday!) Then we sat down and painted nails. Red nails with white hearts. They turned out rather cute if I do say so myself! That morning I even got up to make heart shaped pancakes with cherries, powdered sugar, and sprinkles. (which was quite the accomplishment for me on a Sunday morning!)We made sure the table was ready with daddy's card and gift for when he got home(he had been gone all weekend on a youth trip) Then we went to church ready to celebrate the One who taught us to love and gave us people to love!
Caught in the middle of saying 'I love you' for the camera! I had plans to make super cute cupcakes too, but wouldn't you know my oven decided not to want to work the night before or that day! I had some great ideas, too, thanks to my cake decorating class I am taking...
It's a four week course and I've been really enjoying it! I have been pretending i know what I'm doing up until now and decided it'd be great to learn some real techniques. I've got two classes left and I'm hoping they will offer a second course. Here's a picture of my first cake. Well, it's a start!Just wait until next birthday season at our house, those will be some spectacular cakes!
And here's a sweet picture of my babies snuggling their blankets just to make you smile!


Grant and Jodie said...

that is adorable that Gabrielle was so into v-day! so much more fun when the kids are excited about these silly holidays! also nice cake! i've been wanting to take a class too.

Jessica said...

Love, love, love your cake!! You did a great job!! I like how your teacher let you use frosting and not piping gel for the rainbow. I'm excited to see your clown cake!! :)