Friday, March 27, 2009

To Facebook or not to Facebook??

So Jesse signed up for Facebook the other day(yes, we are a bit behind the times!) I've been checking it out and I just have to say that I don't get it!!! How does it work, what's the point? Why not just send an email, use the phone, or write a letter(I know, no one does that anymore!!) I understand that it makes it easy to connect with people you might not otherwise find, but even then how often do you really "talk" to them even on Facebook after you've found them? Is it an ego boost just to see how many "friends" you can get? It drives me crazy, but here's the really sad thing...I'm thinking of signing up anyway!!!! I have a few real friends who are on it and thought I might join just to see if I can get the hang of it because everyone says it's so great. But then I become like all those people who I mock(mock with much love, of course!!). What to do?!? I guess I'm just old fashioned(well, as old fashioned as one can be and yet still have a blog to write on!!) I'm not a big fan of all the advanced technology, but I guess I need to learn to adapt. So all of you Facebookers-keep your eye out, I may join you soon and need lots and lots of help!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

There's a new name written down in Glory!!

Angels are rejoicing over my Gabrielle today!!!
This morning she came to me and said she had asked "the Holy Spirit to come into my heart". I asked her when she had done that and she said "everyday when you play with Lyla". I told her that if that's something she wanted to do she only had to do it once. I knew she had the basic idea of what she was talking about so we went and got up on her bed and read some Bible verses together.
Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
We talked about that everyone has done things that make God sad and that is sin(a concept she already knew.) Then we read
Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
We talked about that when we sin(like everyone does) that means we are separated from God. When we sin, we can't get to heaven because God does not let sin in heaven. But God gave us Jesus. He died for our sins, so we could be with God. He took our punishment because He loves us soo much.
Romans 5:8 "But God demonstrates His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
And if we believe that Jesus did that for us because He loves us so much, and ask Him to forgive us of our sins we could live with Him in heaven forever! And she said she wanted to ask Jesus to forgive her sins so she could live in heaven, so she did!! And now she talks about the Holy Spirit living inside her so she can be a "sunbeam for Jesus". She is also really excited that there is a book in heaven that has her name in it now!! I know it seems like a lot for a four year old, but most of you know Gabrielle and she is very intelligent for her age and understands things much more than she can verbalize them. I truly believe the Holy Spirit was at work today because it was not because anything Jesse and I have done that she made this decision today. I feel if anything we get in the way!! Our job is now to help her continue to grow in the knowledge and grace of Jesus and to become an example for her siblings! (as if being a parent didn't make me feel inadequate enough!! Thank God for His grace!)
Well, it's been a full day today, I need to head off to bed. But as I do, I am full of joy knowing my baby girl made an eternal decision today and I was able to be there for it!! There's a new name written down in glory, and it's Gabrielle Grace Rousset!

John 3:16-17 "For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him."

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Shhhhh...It's naptime

I just love sleeping pictures!
My little thumb sucker!

No, Lyla's not a thumb sucker, just looks like it in this pic. She's usually my 'knees under, rump in the air' girl!

I think this is Gideon's only sleeping position!(You may see it a lot)

Monday, March 16, 2009


Another 'first' for Gideon;
This morning I discovered a little tooth peeking out at me!! Can you believe he's got his first tooth already? I didn't realize that's what he's been working on even though he's been kind of needy the past few days, very slobbery, and his head feels pretty warm off and on throughout the day. Something about teething was mentioned yesterday but I didn't really think about it, assuming it was still a little early. But this morning his head just felt so warm again, so I thought I'd check just to see if there was a bump where a tooth might be starting. I was not expecting to actually see one! Neither of the girls really had problems teething, especially Gabrielle. I remember finding teeth all the time with no warning or reason to think she was teething. Might be different this time! They do say men can be big babies when it comes to being sick!!
Just kidding all you men!!!!!
I had a little more sympathy for him when I realized what was going on. (nice mom, right?!)

Resting after all that hard work!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ok, I really like this background(Jenna I thought you might, too)!! I hope that no one minds that I keep changing it. There are just so many cute ones out there, I can't really pick one, so I just keep switching them out!

It's pretty quiet here right now so I thought I'd try to post again. And I know I said this one would be clever, but unfortunately I'm not sure it's headed that way!

I want to say Congratulations again to my friend Jessica and her husband Deric who just had their first baby on Wednesday! Sophi is a little dark headed doll! I'm so excited for them. It is just baby season, I guess. I've been to so many baby showers in the last few months than I think I've ever been to! And we just found out my little sister Valerie is expecting. I'm gonna be an aunt!! Technically I am already through Jesse, but I think it's a little different when it's your own sibling. It's going to be hard with her so far away, hopefully my kids will get to know their cousins at least a little, just like they do Jesse's. I always wanted them to be close to their extended family, but everyone keeps moving away!! Someday they'll probably even have cousins overseas somewhere! Good excuse to travel, I suppose!!

Well summer is on the way and I've decided what a better time to start doing some more sewing. Doing little sun dresses for the girls seems to be a good start. They are really into wearing skirts right now. (I love that!!!) Especially Gabrielle. She's so excited for summer to get to "wear skirts everyday?!" I think it'd be fun to let them pick out some of the fabric. I'm also looking for a pattern for a crib skirt for Gideon's bed. Something kind of basic to go with the various sheets he has. I hope I can do it. I'm still fairly new at it all. But I did just learn to do some cute burp cloths so having a new project inspired me. I'm not making Easter dresses this year, didn't do their Christmas ones either. I think I need to slowly work back up to that.

We are also getting ready to repaint the girls bunk beds. I have to decided if we are going to paint them white again or a taupe color they have in their bedspreads. The white make it feel so light, but that can be kind of boring, too. But no matter what, the really need painted. I don't know what my sudden need for all these projects are. I think I'm just ready for spring and it makes me want to accomplish things. Most days I wonder if I actually have gotten anything done!

So now that I've rambled on a while, I can cross this off my list! My one accomplishment for today!

Friday, March 13, 2009

New Background (Sorry to say, it's not the last one!)

Well I really wanted to update today-seeing as it's been almost three weeks since you've heard from me- And I did manage to change the background (but I'm actually not crazy about it so it won't last long!) But now that I've done that I need to turn my attention elsewhere for a bit! It's amazing how quickly the pace of life changes here!!! So, I haven't forgotten about you all, life just gets busy- having three kids does that I suppose!! So until next time !
(I promise I'll try to post something really cleaver next time!)