Monday, August 31, 2009

Weekend review

Friday evening we took the kids to the park. Gabrielle and Lyla brought their bikes and we went for a nice walk. I've brought Gabrielle there with her bike before but Lyla has never been fast enough before because I'll be going for a real walk so she and Gideon are in the stroller. But since it was just a little family stroll she got to bring hers, too and she was so excited. After a little ride we stopped by the river to watch the ducks and splash around a little And I wondered who was going to end up in the water first. It was Lyla. Fell right back onto her little bum! She was a bit shocked at first but went right back in to play some more!

And as we were at the river a young Mennonite woman came up to me to ask me about my sling I had Gideon in. Now those of you who know me, know that I think the Amish culture is fascinating and I secretly wish I was Amish :) So getting to talk to a Mennonite was as close as I've ever come and I was pretty excited! I know I'm a bit weird. We really had a great time at the park-we don't get the chance to do that as a family nearly enough!!

Saturday was party day-two birthday parties in one day! It was a lot of fun! The kids always have a great time running around with their little friends while Jesse and I get to visit.

Sunday was a great morning of worship. I am really enjoying being back in an adult Sunday school class. It is so good!! Then Jesse's parents came over for a bit. I just now thought of it but, I should have had my camera out -they were all bowling on the Wii. It was great fun and let me tell you-Gabrielle is one great bowler! She just flings that "ball" down the lane and usually ends up with a spare. It's hilarious! After Bud and Kathy left we were able to have some down time before it was back to church. We are starting an AWANA program and it was our registration/kickoff night. We are pretty excited about it!

It was a great weekend and now I am looking forward to taking the kids to Phoenix this weekend to visit some dear friends. I'm so excited!!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

She did it! Gabrielle read her first Bob Book yesterday!! We've been working on letters and sounds for awhile now and I got out our Bob Books to see if she could do it, and sure enough she read through it! (for those of you who don't know what the Bob Books are, it is a little series of books that are written in three letter words and short sentences for beginning readers. Each books introduces new letters along with few new "sight words". They are great little tools!) The first reading was really slow, sounding out each letter but she did it entirely on her own. I had her do it again, then a third time when I covered up the pictures to make sure she wasn't relying on them to show her what it should say. I'm pretty excited for her, this is a proud moment whether she realizes it or not! It also encourages me to know that as clueless as I might be on this homeschooling adventure, I've started in the right direction! What a great way to start out her preschool year.
Lyla is really enjoying the idea of sitting down to do school,too. I had to get a workbook just for her because she was really wanting to get into Gabrielle's. She almost went straight through it in one day! I love that the girls love to learn(even if they don't know that's what they are doing!)
Even Gideon is learning new things. He is now pulling himself up on everything!! He also starting clapping the other day! So fun! I can hardly believe that he is almost a year!
Well that's all I can think of for now.
Here's some random pictures of the kids!

Trying out some new goggles in the bathtub

Exploring the river

Look what I can do!

Monday, August 24, 2009

This is the day that the Lord has made!

This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. It is a choice we can make and I have been choosing poorly this last week. But by God's amazing grace I have a new day to make a new choice. So I choose to rejoice, be glad and share it with you!
(Pictures soon to come!)

Friday, August 14, 2009

A bit of a funk

Just thought I'd drop in to let you all know I'm still alive and well! I've been wanting to post for awhile, but have been having trouble coming up with something to say. I think I'm just in a bit of a funk right now. I love my life, my husband, and kids, but right now I'm very lonely and feeling a bit blah. Jesse has been so very busy lately we hardly see him. I'm not complaining about what he's doing, it's all things I support him in doing, but I miss him. I absolutely love being a stay at home mom, I would never change that, but right now I am feeling very lonely for adult friendships. I'm not that much of a people person, but I do long for good friendships. My kids are my comfort zone and can also stretch me to do things I wouldn't ordinarily do. If it weren't for me wanting to make sure they don't become introverts like me, we would be a little hermit family never going out to do social things.
Oh, for crying out loud!! I'm in the process of making cookies and have just about burnt every batch!! That's about how i feel today!
I'm missing my sister Valerie this week. She is going through a rough pregnancy and was just put on bed rest for the next 6 weeks.(they are hoping she'll make it to 6wks) I really wish I could be closer to make things a little easier for her. I want to be there when this little one arrives. I hate not getting to play a bigger sister role right now. We've never really been hang out sister-friends but I am feeling a closer connection to her right now and it's hard to not get to be there with her. Love ya, Valerie!
I'm also feeling pretty blah about really shallow things such as looks and such. I really don't want to go there because it is so meaningless, but let's face it, I am a woman! Who doesn't go there every once in awhile? But I'm not going to take you there with me!
Well, I've got one more batch of cookies to bake, I'd better go keep an eye on them! Next time, I'll try not to let it be a"poor Stephanie" post!