Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Nursery blues...or greens...?

Today is my day to start getting Gideon's room set up. (Yes, he is still sleeping in our room. Normally I would have probably put in his own room when he started sleeping through the night-two weeks old-but I'm trying to keep him from growing up!) Well, in all honesty, he doesn't even have a room yet. It's our spare room/storage room right now! But I am motivated to get it cleaned out and get him in there(He's getting kinda long for his cradle). Motivated, yet feeling a little overwhelmed! We have no more rooms to store things!! Where do I put it all? So I'm trying not to feel to guilty about turning it into a nursery/strorage room!

But I'm not even sure how i'm going to decorate. I had finally found some crib bedding that I liked but its like $170!! For a bed he's going to be in for maybe a little over a year!! Outreageous! So I'm trying to use that color scheme to do my own thing, but it's kinda hard even finding pieces to put together for the look I want! But that's because I'll admit I have a tendency to get a picture in my head and nothing else is quite as perfect. I'm working on it, though. I just need to channel my creativity.

oh, gotta go. Gideon is calling! ( gotta hurry before he wakes up the girls from nap! Quiet time is precious!)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Birthday Bash

Four years ago as we held our beautiful baby girl for the first time we could not have imagined what joy she really was going to bring to our lives. As clueless parents we feel truely blessed that God has entrusted us to care for this little treasure.

Gabrielle was old enough to really know that her birthday was coming this year and it really couldn't come fast enough! All of our birthdays are right in a row in four months so she really has to wait patiently for her turn! She was really excited to wake up in a room full of balloons this morning and start HER day! Gabrielle loves going to church anytime so getting to go today on her birthday was an extra perk! Then the family came over this afternoon. Grandma and Grandpa, Gammy and Poppy, and Auntie Kim and Uncle Ben. That's when the real fun began because it meant presents and cake!

Gabrielle had told me many months ago that for her birthday this year she wanted a big cake, not cupcakes! But then she thought she wanted a big cookie and went back and forth for about a week and when I asked her yesterday and she said cake, I made that the final descion! We chose well, she really enjoyed it!
She had a great day and has no idea why Mommy is so emotional now!(I think I will be like this on every birthday till they are 30!)
Thank you Lord for 4 wonderful years with our sweet Gabrielle Grace!

Happy 4th Bday Gabrielle!!
I'll be back later today with more pics of her fun day!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Road trip

Home Sweet Home! Last night the kidos and I got back from a little trip to Phoenix. Jesse was off on a Snowblast youth weekend so I packed up everybody and headed for warmer weather. At first I thought I might be crazy taking a trip by myself with a nursing baby, a potty trainee, and an overly helpful big sister, but things actually went very well. I have some extremely good little travelers! For those of you who don't know I have some good friends in Phoenix I try to see fairly often. We stayed with 'Aunt'Jenna and got to see my good friend Jessica, too. The girls had a great time, but Gideon is such a little homebody(just like his mom) that he kind of had a hard time being in a new place with new people.

The weather was beautiful and we got to enjoy being outside a little bit. Oh, and Lyla had a little encounter with a cactus on Sunday. It was just her fingers, but she kept rubbing them not understanding that it only made it worse. Once we got it all out she was fine. I kinda wanted to go back and take her picture by the cactus but figured that might be asking too much!!

It was kinda fun being in town for the Arizona-Philly game on Sunday. You could feel the excitement everywhere and I kinda got into it(Jenna thought I had lost it, I'm sure!)-of course not too outspoken about it as an Eagles fan in the midst of Cardinal country! Even Gabrielle was cheering "go Eagles" when we would pass a tv! Jesse would have been proud! (but he was actually heart broken because the Eagles lost)

Got to do some great shopping, of course!!! That's what going to Phoenix is really all about! Shopping and good food!

We had a great time and now I know I can go places with all three kids, no sweat! (well, that's not completely true, I do get pretty sweaty with them at times! I only have two hands!!) But looking forward to our next trip; California and Daddy's coming too.

Oh and I'm experimenting with new backgrounds. It might take a few before I find one I love!

Friday, January 9, 2009


Gideon 2 months (pre-shots!)

A tramatic day in any mothers life....shots! Today was Gideon's two month check up(can you believe he's already two months old??!!) and with it came an introduction to those nasty childhood shots. I know it's to keep them healthy and safe, but they just look at you like "why are you letting them do this to me?!" It just breaks my heart every time! And anyone who has seen Gideon cry knows he has this chin quiver that is the saddest thing you've ever seen! But why is it primarily the mom's job? Dad gets to be the fun one,while mom takes them to to dr. to inflict pain!(as I'm typing this, Jesse is changing Gideon's diaper telling him to remember that is was mommy who took him today! See what I have to put up with?) But Jesse is has a great calming effect on Gideon, so I can't really complain!

Well can't think of much more to write tonight. It's getting late(well, 8:30 is late these days!!) and my brain is shuting down! So goodnight!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Lyla, Gideon, and Gabrielle
Christmas 2008

I was never one for New Years resolutions, however I did decide that this year I am going to try to stay in better touch with those we love. And there's no time like the present!

So welcome to the Rousset family blog! I may not have a lot to say most of the time, but the little ones grow so fast I thought this would be a great way to share pictures and keep you up to date! I hope you enjoy it !(this is all a new thing for me so patience, please!!)Love you all!