Sunday, January 25, 2009

Birthday Bash

Four years ago as we held our beautiful baby girl for the first time we could not have imagined what joy she really was going to bring to our lives. As clueless parents we feel truely blessed that God has entrusted us to care for this little treasure.

Gabrielle was old enough to really know that her birthday was coming this year and it really couldn't come fast enough! All of our birthdays are right in a row in four months so she really has to wait patiently for her turn! She was really excited to wake up in a room full of balloons this morning and start HER day! Gabrielle loves going to church anytime so getting to go today on her birthday was an extra perk! Then the family came over this afternoon. Grandma and Grandpa, Gammy and Poppy, and Auntie Kim and Uncle Ben. That's when the real fun began because it meant presents and cake!

Gabrielle had told me many months ago that for her birthday this year she wanted a big cake, not cupcakes! But then she thought she wanted a big cookie and went back and forth for about a week and when I asked her yesterday and she said cake, I made that the final descion! We chose well, she really enjoyed it!
She had a great day and has no idea why Mommy is so emotional now!(I think I will be like this on every birthday till they are 30!)
Thank you Lord for 4 wonderful years with our sweet Gabrielle Grace!

1 comment:

Jessica and Deric MIller said...

Happy Birthday! She looks so precious and happy! I'm glad she went for the cake! :)